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Writer's pictureAmjaad Al-Hussain

Lentil Breakfast Stew

Updated: Feb 24, 2020

Hearty lentil stew with fresh herbs *Vegetarian & Vegan*

This lentil dish is packed with nutritious ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry. It’s definitely a crowd pleaser and is perfect for potlucks, brunches, and picnics! This recipe can be refrigerated for 5-6 days or even frozen for busy weekday mornings. Serve with a drizzle of fresh olive oil and warm naan or pita bread.


1.5 cups dry split red lentils كباية ونص عدس أحمر ناشف

2 cups diced red onion كبايتين بصل أحمر مقطع

2 cups diced tomatoes كبايتين طماطم مقطعة

¼ cup + 2 tablespoons olive oil زيت زيتون للحشوشة والتزيين

8 garlic cloves ثمانية حبات ثوم

1 tbsp Yemeni Hawayij ملعقة ك حوايج يمنية

1 cup chopped fresh parsley كباية بقدونس

½ cup chopped cilantro نص كباية كزبرة

¼ cup thinly sliced green onions ربع كباية بصل أخضر

Extra olive oil for garnish زيت زيتون التزيين


  1. Boil washed lentils in 4 cups of water until tender.

  2. In a separate pot over medium high heat, saute chopped red onions in 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil until edges are browned.

  3. Add chopped fresh tomato to browned onions and cook until tomatoes have wilted down.

  4. Add tomato paste and half of the minced garlic and continue to cook over medium high heat until the tomatoes have broken down.

  5. Season onion and tomato mixture with Yemeni Hawayij.

  6. Add cooked lentils (including the water) to the seasoned onion and tomato mixture. Mix well then season with salt to taste.

  7. Continue cooking over low heat for 5 minutes or until mixture's edges come to a soft boil.

  8. In a separate pan, saute remaining minced garlic and cilantro in ¼ cup of olive oil. Stir frequently until browned. Keep a close eye on this because the garlic can easily burn.

  9. Add the browned garlic and cilantro onto the lentil mixture along with any remaining olive oil.

  10. Turn off the heat then fold in the fresh parsley and thinly sliced green onions.


  • Keep a close eye on your boiling lentils. They easily overflow!

  • Saute your garlic and cilantro mixture in the same pot you used to boil your lentils. Less dishes!

  • Add a quarter cup of water before reheating if your lentils are too thick. Simmer your lentils on low heat for 5-10 minutes at a time if you think it is too runny and want it to thicken.

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