Amjaad's Sifra
From savory stews like fahsa to spicy condiments like zahawig, Yemeni food is one of the world’s best-kept secrets.
Food plays an integral part in Yemeni culture, and we are humbled to share our beautiful culture with you.
Our "Sifra" (dinner table) is more than just a place to eat, it is where we learn, laugh and build stronger relationships.
Experience the inspired flavors of Yemen and beyond by trying Sifra Foods’ authentic Yemeni Hawayij spice mix and testing out our diverse recipes.

The Sifra Story
Sifra was forged from the traditional Yemeni values of family, food, and a deep desire to preserve the culture.
Before launching Sifra Foods, Amjaad Al-Hussain balanced a thriving career in health care with her love for creating in the kitchen while aiming to preserve her Yemeni culture. By day, Amjaad worked at a health system integrating genetic testing and spent evenings cooking and documenting her family’s favorite dishes. Amjaad had never been to Yemen, and felt a burning desire to preserve a piece of her culture so that it is never lost for future generations. Her passion led to the first Yemeni cookbook in English—Sifratna, a collection of classic Yemeni recipes as well as Middle Eastern recipes with a modern Yemeni twist.
The overwhelming response from Sifratna's launch pushed Amjaad to pursuing her passion even further - Sifra Foods was born. As part of a way to promote Yemeni culture and document its well-known recipes, Sifra Foods now produces an authentic spice blend that enriches the flavor of any meal. The word “Sifra” means dining table, representing a place that family, friends, and strangers come together to appreciate good food and company.
Click here to view our authentic Yemeni Hawayij all-purpose spice blend.
Each purchase represents strengthening the connections between Yemeni culture and the world, giving you a taste of cuisine you wouldn’t have had the chance to experience otherwise, or just remind you of home.