This is my go-to brunch salad because it is easy and quick to whip up, will last 3 days in the fridge, and makes amazing lunch and dinner leftovers. I love serving this salad with Yemeni style ful (bean stew) or Adas (lentil stew) for a nice contrast of temperature and texture.
You can add any vegetables you like - below are just suggestions, but you can also experiment with radishes, carrots, beats, snap-peas, corn, and so much more!
10.5 oz (298 grams) Feta cheese جبنة بيضاء
2 Persian cucumbers, diced خيار
1/3 cup diced red pepper بيبار أحمر
1/3 cup diced green pepper بيبار أخضر
1/3 cup diced yellow pepper بيبار أصفر
1/3 cup diced orange pepper بيبار برتقالي
4 - 5 green onions بصل أخضر
1 tbsp minced seeded jalapeno فلفل حار
1/4 cup chopped mint ورق نعناع
1 tbsp chopped dill شبت
1 cup chopped Italian parsley بقدونس
1/4 cup olive oil زيت زيتون
1 lemon (zest and juice) ليمونة
1/2 tbsp dried oregano زعتر مجفف
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper فلفل أسود
Black Nigella seeds for garnish حبة سوداء